Can I Sue My Employer for Firing Me Under False Accusations in North Carolina? 2024

If you are suddenly fired, the repercussions can be significant. At times, they can be even worse when you think that you were fired due to false accusations. If this happened to you, you might be curious about whether you can sue your employer for firing you under these false accusations in North Carolina. Anyone who believes that their employer violated their rights can hire a North Carolina wrongful termination attorney, and it is important to seek representation quickly.

Can I Sue My Employer For Firing Me Under False Accusations in North Carolina?

You may be able to sue your employer for firing you under false accusations in North Carolina in certain cases. If your place of work was in the state of North Carolina, you are presumed to be hired as an “at-will” employee. This is a state law, meaning that an employer does not need good cause to fire employees. Therefore, employers are not protected from being terminated due to false accusations. Employers do not have to investigate to determine if the accusations are true.

However, one exception to this rule would be if the termination violated the terms of a written contract. It’s also considered illegal to fire employees on the basis of legally protected characteristics, such as race, disability, age, pregnancy, sex, or national origin. If your employer used a false accusation as an excuse for your termination when you were really fired due to your protected characteristics or a contract violation, you may be able to file a civil claim against them.

Everyone in the state of NC is entitled to a workspace that is safe from any harassment. Your rights include being treated fairly with no prejudices against race, religion, sex, disability, or age. If you reported violations of these laws in the workplace and your employer used false accusations to fire you in retaliation, you can file a claim. A responsible employer who understands these rights is also aware that no suspensions, demotions, relocations, or terminations should be a result of retaliation.

How a Lawyer Can Help

False accusations against you that result in a loss of income can be traumatic. You did nothing to deserve this harsh treatment. In the cases described above, you can seek help and support from an NC lawyer. A false allegation can be cover for wrongful termination, and it is important to disprove this lie as soon as possible. The aftermath of the experience of an unfair job loss can have lasting effects. Some of these include:

  • Loss of income
  • Loss of health benefits
  • Challenges with future job opportunities
  • Humiliation and emotional distress

A lawyer can help mitigate these concerns by filing a claim for reimbursement for damages. The amount an individual can be awarded can vary greatly in each case. When calculating an amount, your salary, loss of wages, and severity of suffering are considered. The more severe your suffering, the more you may be entitled to.

Evidence to Use in Your Wrongful Termination Claim

An experienced employment lawyer will be able to help you sort the facts and establish a claim that may save your reputation, career, and financial concerns. The more evidence you have, the better your outcome will be. Some forms of evidence to gather could be:

  • Written communication, such as emails and text
  • Documents like your employee contracts, memos, reports
  • Witness statements

After a careful review of your situation, you may be able to file a claim against the company that terminated you. You do not need to feel alone after being treated unfairly. Having support to help walk you through the process of a claim can leave a lasting positive impact on your life.


Q: Can You Sue for Wrongful Termination in North Carolina?

A: Yes, you can sue for wrongful termination in North Carolina. If you were wrongfully terminated, you can contact an attorney to discuss grounds for a claim to sue your employer. You are protected from discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, national origin, pregnancy, and disability, among other characteristics. Every employee has the right to not be fired due to discrimination and retaliatory actions. False accusations that are based on these ideas should not be a reason for termination.

Q: Can You Fire an Employee for Making False Accusations?

A: Due to the “at will” law the state has in place, you can fire an employee for making false accusations. An employer is allowed to cease your employment without giving reason. This policy also states that an employee can leave at any time without giving a reason, and neither party would be subjected to penalties because of this. In order for a false accusation claim to be filed, an employee would have to be able to provide evidence to prove there was a violation of contract or rights.

Q: What Are Wrongful Termination Examples?

A: Some examples of wrongful termination include discrimination, a breach of contract, or retaliation. For example, if an employee was terminated due to their race or pregnancy, this would be illegal. One retaliatory reason that wrongful termination may occur is if an employee refuses to participate in or reports harassment. Sometimes, someone is let go because they refuse to engage in illegal or unsafe behaviors associated with the work environment.

Q: What Is the Termination Law in North Carolina?

A: The state of North Carolina has an “at will” policy. This means that the employer and the employee may end the work relationship on their own terms with no penalties or reason. However, discriminatory, retaliatory, or otherwise illegal actions can result in wrongful termination. In this case, employees have the right to file a claim against their employers to seek compensation.

Contact Maloney Law & Associates, PLLC

Losing your job because of false accusations against you can be devastating. North Carolina employees have the right to a fair, safe work environment and not to be wrongfully terminated. You deserve protection, and an employer should be held accountable for any action against these rights. Call an experienced attorney from Maloney Law & Associates, PLLC, to start filing a claim for wrongful termination.